Friday, October 30, 2009

Early registration deadline looming!

Take advantage of BWC's lower rates for early registration by registering today! The deadline of Monday, Nov. 2 is rushing toward us. Your registration fee gets you a full day of writers -- including keynote speaker Mark Bowden -- editors and people who work in publishing, quick critiques of your work, and a hot lunch. Love those creamy enchiladas!

Visit our main page for more information.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What's in a name?

Not much, unless you have the biography behind it. Visit this link to learn about the people who will be working the panels at BWC 2009.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Exhibit tables available for BWC 2009

At BWC 2009, exhibitors—freelance editors, designers, journals, small presses, and literary organizations—are able to reach their primary audience...writers! For $35 you get a table in the exhibition area and lunch for one person. Additional lunches are only $15. Submit your reservation by Nov. 1 by downloading the reservation form or by calling 410.704.5196 or sending an email to